Senin, 14 November 2016

IRKA YANDRIYANTI 161310606 011



How Children Learn by Playing

The idea of children learning by playing may seem outrageous to some parents and educational institutions, which firmly believe that learning is all about getting good grades in school. Here, we talk about how the focus of learning goes beyond grades, and how kids can be taught some of the most complex concepts simply by playing and engaging in some activities.

The concept of learning by playing is not new. In fact, for ages, children have been taught highly complex concepts by means of games and activities - concepts that they wouldn't have otherwise grasped. Such games and activities enhance personal learning and development that no book can provide. It is true that a school provides education, but knowledge is subjective and can be increased and improved by means of some very simple methods such as playing games. There are so many things that you have your kids do, without realizing the kind of message it is imparting to them, or the kind of effect it has on their minds. Playing particularly has a positive effect on kids and helps develop their personality and skills.

What Children Learn By Playing

Instead of having kids cram information and simply talking to them about various concepts, parents, along with several educational institutions, are adopting the art of teaching by playing with children. This, they believe, is a better way of inculcating not only concepts but also essential values, particularly in the most formative stages of a child's life. It is human nature to learn by experience, rather than when told or explained by someone else. Children should be allowed to learn from the consequences of their actions, and then realize why they were or weren't asked to do something. With parent and teacher participation and involvement, for children, learning can be made fun rather than a mundane, stressful task that emphasizes only on cramming as much information as possible.

A lot of concepts that education cannot impart are taught by the simple act of engaging in various indoor and outdoor activities. Here's what kids learn when they engage in such activities:
·         By being allowed to play, children are free to explore their surroundings and develop experiences that are unique to them.
·         They learn to take control and are capable of making their own decisions.
·         They learn to respect rules and the choice of others around them.
·         Children learn how to use their imagination in play and this helps develop creativity. The use of imagination also helps them shut out unpleasantness and tackle inherent fears.
·         Free play allows kids to indulge and appease their inquisitiveness.
·         Interactions with others help develop communication skills and aid personality development.
·         The involvement of parents in the entire process helps strengthen the bond between the child and parent, as children learn how to share their experiences with their parents.

Examples of How Children Learn by Playing

·         Why are kids taught mathematics on the Abacus before they are taught it in the classroom? It is because the abacus lays a strong foundation upon which the subject revolves. The basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are all taught on this colorful tool, where kids learn how these concepts work by manually moving the beads. This makes it a playful activity that allows learning by playing.
·         Board games such as Monopoly teach children how to use money wisely at a young age. It teaches them how to carry out transactions, and how to make decisions for themselves. Games such as Scrabble help children strategize and score more points by placing appropriate letters in the right spots.
·         In the digital age, a lot of educational computer games and video games have been designed to teach children basic concepts such as strategy, the importance of teamwork, along with enhancing focus and concentration. Some schools in the US have started allowing kids to design video games that help them learn in the process of designing.

·         In the classroom, children are also taught the power of healthy communication, of group effort, and the benefits of team building. It teaches children not only to function as a group, but to lead and manage large groups of people, thereby helping them develop leadership skills.
·         Similar is the case with outdoor games and activities. Being the captain of a football team teaches a child how to lead, manage and achieve goals by means of the aforementioned concepts. In activities like camping, children are taught the importance of nature, and the value of having the comfort of a home and a bed, when they are roughing it up outdoors.



The idea of children learning by playing may seem outrageous to some parents and educational institutions, which firmly believe that learning is all about getting good grades in school.
Here, we talk about how the focus of learning goes beyond grades, and how kids can be taught some of the most complex concepts simply by playing and engaging in some activities.
The concept of learning by playing is not new.
In fact, for ages, children have been taught highly complex concepts by means of games and activities - concepts that they wouldn't have otherwise grasped.
It is true that a school provides education, but knowledge is subjective and can be increased and improved by means of some very simple methods such as playing games.
There are so many things that you have your kids do, without realizing the kind of message it is imparting to them, or the kind of effect it has on their minds.
Instead of having kids cram information and simply talking to them about various concepts, parents, along with several educational institutions, are adopting the art of teaching by playing with children.
This, they believe, is a better way of inculcating not only concepts but also essential values, particularly in the most formative stages of a child's life.
It is human nature to learn by experience, rather than when told or explained by someone else.
Children should be allowed to learn from the consequences of their actions, and then realize why they were or weren't asked to do something.
A lot of concepts that education can not impart are taught by the simple act of engaging in various indoor and outdoor activities.
Here is what kids learn when they engage in such activities.
·         By being allowed to play, children are free to explore their surroundings and develop experiences that are unique to them.
·         They learn to take control and are capable of making their own decisions.
·         They learn to respect rules and the choice of others around them.

·         Children learn how to use their imagination in play and this helps develop creativity. The use of imagination also helps them shut out unpleasantness and tackle inherent fears.
·         Free play allows kids to indulge and appease their inquisitiveness.
·         Interactions with others help develop communication skills and aid personality development.
·         The involvement of parents in the entire process helps strengthen the bond between the child and parent, as children learn how to share their experiences with their parents.
·         Why are kids taught mathematics on the Abacus before they are taught it in the classroom? It is because the abacus lays a strong foundation upon which the subject revolves. The basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are all taught on this colorful tool, where kids learn how these concepts work by manually moving the beads. This makes it a playful activity that allows learning by playing.
·         Board games such as Monopoly teach children how to use money wisely at a young age. It teaches them how to carry out transactions, and how to make decisions for themselves. Games such as Scrabble help children strategize and score more points by placing appropriate letters in the right spots.
·         In the digital age, a lot of educational computer games and video games have been designed to teach children basic concepts such as strategy, the importance of teamwork, along with enhancing focus and concentration. Some schools in the US have started allowing kids to design video games that help them learn in the process of designing.
·         In the classroom, children are also taught the power of healthy communication, of group effort, and the benefits of team building. It teaches children not only to function as a group, but to lead and manage large groups of people, thereby helping them develop leadership skills.
·         Similar is the case with outdoor games and activities. Being the captain of a football team teaches a child how to lead, manage and achieve goals by means of the aforementioned concepts. In activities like camping, children are taught the importance of nature, and the value of having the comfort of a home and a bed, when they are roughing it up outdoors.

1.      From my home, turn left to Perdana Street, go straight ahead. And then turn right, and then turn left again to Sepakat 2 Street. Muhammadiyah University is in there.
2.      From my home, turn left to Perdana Street, and then go straight ahead until you find Jendral A. Yani Street. And then turn right. Go straight ahead again, and then turn right until dead end. The shop near Bu Milah’s Canteen.
3.      From Muhammadiyah University, turn right to Sepakat 2 Street, go straight again. And then turn right to Reformasi Street, turn left, and then turn right. My home is in there.
4.      From Padang Restaurant, go straight ahead, and then turn left. Oishi is in there.
5.      From Bu Milah’s Canteen, turn left, and then turn left again to Tanjungpura University.
6.      From Muhammadiyah University, turn right, and then turn right again to Reformasi Street. Padang Restaurant is in there.
7.      From Oishi Ramen, turn right, and turn right again. After that, go straight. Turn left to Perdana Street. And my home is in there.
8.      From shop you turn right, and then turn left to Reformasi Street, go straight ahead. And then turn left again to Perdana Street. My home is in there.
9.      From Tanjungpura University, go straight ahead. And then you turn right, turn right again. After that you go straight ahead until dead end. The shop is in there.
10.  From Padang Restaurant go straight, and then turn left. After that you go straight ahead until you find Muhammadiyah University in there.

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